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Do you want to be a profitable expert?

1. Log in to the website and click the button [Account] to enter the personal center page

Click the link >> https://24h-sports.com


2. Click the Check-in button, you can get 300 points every day, and 100 points are needed for each forecast.


3. Click the button at the bottom [Matches] to find the match you are interested in, and click the button [MY TIPS] to publish the prediction


4. Click the button [Account], and then click the button [My Tips], you can see all the forecasts you posted


5. Update your forecast every day, as long as the accuracy is high enough and the conditions are met, you can charge.


The user can publish the game prediction after registering.

1 tip consumes 100 points by default. If the tip is correct, the user will get the point value as ODD * 100

Under special circumstances, if the match data is abnormal or there is no match detailed data, this tip will be cancelled and the points consumed will be returned within 1 working day.

The members of the leaderboard can publish the fee tips. 50% of the revenue is used as the reward for the publisher, and the cash can be withdrawn when the revenue is over 100.

5.Tips with odds below 1.6 cannot be charged, and users are not allowed to post tips with odds below 1.2.

Leaderboard rules

The leaderboard is updated every hour.

Cancelled and invalid games are not counted in the win rate statistics.

Weekly leaderboard:

① The win rate is greater than 50% and the profit rate is positive, and the tips released in the past 7 days is not less than 10 times;

②If the tip is not released for 3 consecutive days, the leaderboard will be dropped;

③Members of the weekly leaderboard cannot charge more than 5 games per day;

Monthly leaderboard:

① The win rate is greater than 50% and the profit rate is positive, and the tips issued in the past 30 days are not less than 40 times;

②If no tip is issued for 5 consecutive days, the leaderboard will be dropped;

③Monthly leaderboard members must charge no more than 7 games per day;

Season leaderboard:

① The win rate is greater than 50% and the profit rate is positive and the recommendations issued in the past 90 days are not less than 100 times;

②If the tip is not released for 7 consecutive days, the leaderboard will be dropped;

③Members of the season leaderboard shall not charge more than 10 games per day.